Season 4, Episode 9-Host Karl Ziomek with Huron Township Applefest-Mike Glaab, Detroit International Wildlife Refuge- Dan Kennedy, Pt. Mulee- Bob Whitwam , Trenton Art Festival-Michele Tanguay and Rina Belanger and Angie Guzzardo from Vintage Marketplace and Lobstoberfest.
Community Sponsor is The Martenson Family of Funeral Homes. Visit the website, Also sponsored in part by team sponsor Allegra Print and Design. Visit their website
Destination Downriver from- Rust Belt to Green Belt- April 2021 is Produced and Presented by Trenton Trib/Island Beacon and Sponsored by[ Southern Wayne County...
Season 4, Episode 10-Host Karl Ziomek speaks about MC5’s accomplishments and origin are award-winning music journalist and author Gary Graff and former Taylor resident...
Sponsored by Allegra Print and Design. Visit their website Ron Hinrichs, President and CEO of SWCRC hosts Jan Newboles - Park Support Specialist,...